Upload your music to popular YouTube and SoundCloud channels.

Haven’t developed your own channels yet? Upload your music to thousands of subscribers today!

Where we upload your music:

Get Heard Today!

General music styles are welcome.

What we will do:

The Recognized YouTube and SoundCloud channels:

  • Supported by our 500 000+ followers network
  • Have daily paid advertisement.
  • Great reputation, professionally developed.

Highly targeted advertising which is provided by YouTube itself. Videos appear before other popular videos on YouTube, alongside playing videos (skippable ads), and in search result.

Each song will be posted regularly to our popular Twitter, Facebook and SoundCloud accounts which have more than 500 000+ music lovers!

Songs should receive engagement on a regular basis. If you get tons of likes in a few days and then nothing, it won’t give YouTube a signal to promote the video. Using our network, we spread your music within all major social networks (not just Twitter and SoundCloud) on a regular basis.

If you don’t have a music video yet, we will create a video visualizer for your audio in order to upload it to our YouTube channel and start promotion.

Every new uploaded track pushes old videos to the suggestion section and search results. Being on our channels means your music is always the center of attention.

SEO is a definition of how search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) see a content. SEO will greatly increase the flow of users from search engines.

Everybody knows that Google owns YouTube. If your video has 100k views but nobody embeds, posts, or mentions it, Google won’t pay attention to the video. As a result, YouTube won’t promote it. We will share every song to our blogs and social network pages, contact base of music industry specialists 5400+ (which includes: Radio and TV, Music labels, Distributors, Publishers, Music reviewers, Bloggers, Magazines, Music blogs, Websites, Music communities), and so on.

We put all links to your main accounts in the top of the description sections. We also ask you to comment the video from your main YouTube account and then pin this comment to the top.
At any time you can ask to have new links added, or change anything.

Go Viral!

Why do we upload your music to our channels instead of promoting your own?

· If your channel doesn’t have constant updates, engagement and representation around the internet, there is no chance of it going viral. It is more likely to go viral when uploaded to popular channel with updates, representation on major social networks, constant paid advertising, and 500 000+ followers network.

· Obviously you need a hit song, but there is a lot more to it than that. Your music should receive engagement on a regular basis. People should post the song to social networks, blogs, websites, and so on. YouTube is smart. If a song suddenly receives tons of likes/views and then gets nothing, there is no chance it will get support. If YouTube sees constant engagement, active representation/sharing outside of the main channel, then there is a high chance to go viral.

What do you need to start ?

We can download your music or video from:
Youtube, SoundCloud, DropBox, Google driveFEX.netDropMeFiles any other file sharing services.

Why do we collect money?

  • We collect only a small fee (10%) for starting and maintaining your campaign. The rest goes to advertise your music through our network and major social networks (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter etc) .
  • After completing the payment you will be redirected to the form which should be filled out with the information about your music.
  • If we don’t answer you within 48 hours, please check a spam folder and contact us.

If you don’t receive an confirmation email within 48 hours, please check a spam folder and contact us.

Make a one time payment: